Friday, August 29, 2008

Welcome & False Alarm

Hello and welcome to our blog.

The purpose of this blog (aside from the shout-out to UA thanking the gov't in advance for allowing three awesome children to leave state custody and join our family FOREVER) is to keep our friends, family and anyone else who stops by in the loop re: our adoption. We are attempting to adopt three teens from Ukraine. We know them, love them, hope they know that we love them, and hope that (when the time is right) they will take an incredible, truly brave leap of faith and join our family in the US.

There probably won't be too much to say here until we actually get to UA but I thought I'd get started blogging early. We hope to have internet access during our trip so this will be a convenient way to post the latest news while we're gone. Also, I have found it helpful (or at least entertaining) to read others' tales before, during and after their adoption trips -- so here's hoping something we learn in this process and write about here will be helpful to someone else someday.

Finally, the "false alarm" part of the post -- we hoped to have our dossier submitted to the SDA (State Dept. for Adoption) in Kyiv this week but it didn't happen. We believe it will be submitted on Monday (Labor Day in the US) instead. If you are reading this as someone who is adopting or has adopted from Ukraine, you know what a big deal (and big hurdle, sometimes) the dossier submission is. If you are unfamiliar with the process, trust me -- it's a really big deal.

After months and months of paperwork, waiting, more paperwork, medical exams, fingerprints, more fingerprints, more paperwork, waiting, stamps, seals, forms, fees, FedExes, still more waiting and an impressive collection of grey hairs at the ripe old age of 32 (mine, not Mike's), dossier submission feels (to me) like the one thing that finally gets the wheels moving on the adoption bus. Wherever you are, you will hear my shouts of joy when I get the email telling us the dossier is actually in the hands of the SDA. And then . . . we will wait some more.


Anonymous said...

Sigh, sigh sigh, sigh sigh sigh! Waiting with you (from a distance). Sending my love to you, Mike and all the children we know in Ukraine.

Anonymous said...

Victoria can't wait to meet her new friends from the Ukraine! Good luck!!!